Hemptopia Hemp Hurd Fine (USA Grown)

Hemp Hurd Fine (USA Grown)

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  • Product Description

    This hemp hurd is finer in particle size and is grown and processed right here in America. The particle size range averages approx. 1cm with some being as small as .5cm to 1.5cm. This finer hemp hurd can be used for soil remediation, absorbtion material, hemp plaster for walls, or a smaller animal bedding.
    Available in super sacks of 500lbs per pallet, call for pricing on larger volume orders and lead time. 


    Particle Size range: .5-1.5cm
    Fiber/hurd ratio: 75% hurd 25% fiber
    Moisture content: >20%
    Price is per pound
    Grown and Processed in USA


    When making hempcrete you need equal parts hemp hurd to equal parts lime binder.


    Need help determining how much Hurd you need?

    This is a standard equation you can use to determine how much hemp hurd is needed when making a 12'' thick wall.

    Wall x Height of wall = Total square footage.

    Take the number and divide by 4.5 to get the total number of 15kg (33lbs) bales you'll need for a 12'' wall.


    Average square footage of a house is 2,500 with a 9 foot ceiling (2.7m). less 25% for windows and doors = 1,350 cubic feet.

    Now divide 1,350 by 4.5 and that equals the number of bales/bags needed = 300 bales/bags in this case. (9,900lbs)
